• My name is Patti.. some folks call me pj. others call me pete :) I have an artsy streak a mile wide running through me...can't follow directions worth a doodle but i love making, creating things. Drawing and painting, that's always been my first love as far as work is concerned... until i got a digital camera a couple of years ago. I'd always shot film before... the freedom to experiment ... along with the instant gratification that digital offers has opened up a whole new playing field. It's been an awesome journey getting to where i am today..all the while striving to improve even more tomorrow.. I think I've discovered my creative passion. I'm fascinated with the world around me.. I hope my work reflects that.

    Thank you for taking the time to drop by for a visit!

I'm humbled.. I'm honored.. and I'm thankful to be one of many photographers across the United States associated with The Gold Hope Project. http://www.goldhopeproject.com/ If you know of any child diagnosed with cancer, from infant thru 18 years old, please give them my contact info. They can fill out a quick application form for a complimentary photo shoot.. a picture story.. of life.. of love.. and of hope!